Tuesday: 2 hours at Sunnyluck Farms. Did stalls and rode Hollywood demonstrating some 4-H skills for a sale video. Then 4 hours at Laughing Buck Farm. Taught 2 lessons and worked with some of the kids on Sassy and Shadow. I started Cliff on grain last weekend because he's starting to look a little thin because of some rotating horses during feeding time (i.e. he doesn't get to finish off slow eater's feed anymore) and he is thoroughly enjoying it.
16.2 hand Clifford in the 13" kids saddle :) |
Thursday: 1 hour at Sunnyluck Farms. Braided horses and wormed. Then 2 and a half hours at Laughing Buck Farm. Grained Cliff and helped clean and reorganize the tack room.
Munching |
Friday: 2 and a half hours at Sunnyluck Farms. Tied Fiona's head around with the bit for the first time, and rode Hollywood. Fiona is getting better about being saddled and her general ground manners and respect are getting much better.
Fiona |
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